The gray August day inspired these nearly neutral photos. The white flower has a nice soft glow, as opposed to the harsh glare I'd get on a sunny day.

Beta Tauri is a star in the constellation of Taurus and is the tip of one of the bull's horns. As a Taurus, I personify the qualities traditionally attributed to the sign: stubborn, loyal, and constantly striving to create things of beauty through gardening, photography and fiber arts. All photographs by the Blog Author, unless indicated.
first off my mom burned up a tree when i was a kid by having her burn barrel directly below the darn tree, and second i call my husband the alley avenger. He loves to chase off people doing drug deals in the alley or on the street. takes photos of people in their cars when they are doing the above drug deals or sexual acts and has been known to tow cars that block the alley or point lasers into their cars at night. I think i may change his name to alley psycho. cause really who is more weird the drug dealers, hookers and Johns, or the guy taking photos of them?