Due to my unemployed status, I have not done much impulse shopping at the nursery this year. However, I just had to have one of the Meyer Lemon trees for sale at Lowe's for $15. When I first spied them, I thought "now who the hell is going to grow a citrus tree in the Puget Sound? The only people able to do that are folks with a greenhouse. Wait - that's me."
I planted the tree in the dirt strip in the greenhouse, where I promised it all the warmth that it needed, but cautioned it that sun might be lacking. Expecting little, I have been watching it flourish in amazement. The scent of the flowers is a welcome addition to the greenhouse, and there has been new leaf growth since I put it in the ground. Could it be possible we'll see Lemons in Lakewood?
The lemon blossom is one of the most intoxicating scents in all of plant-dom. I absolutely love it--along with orange blossoms. (BTW, my Highland Lilac arrived in today's mail...I think I must need aromatherapy...)