I work the macro function of my camera pretty hard, preferring to photograph plants up close and/or from unusual angles. As a future landscape architect, sometimes I wonder if I'll ever evolve away from this to images that are more "landscapy". In Twyla Tharp's book "The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life", she notes that individuals may be hard wired to create from a particular point of view - some love the up close detail perspective such as I, and some don't. Whew - thanks Twyla - its my "hard wiring" and I can't help it. She may not be the world's foremost expert on creativity, but I'll take it. Cross that off my list of "Things I Need To Change".

Its hard to resist the iconic poppy - and even harder to take a photo of them that is not cliche. Out of curiosity, I Googled "poppy images" to see how many there were out there via Google. How many? 4,760,000! Over Four Million images via Google alone. I guess I can rest easy knowing its tough to create an original poppy image.

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